Thursday, October 31, 2019

Enlightenment and the French Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enlightenment and the French Revolution - Essay Example Enlightenment promoted the ideas of natural law and progress in societal aspects as evident from the writings of Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau. Themes from the enlightenment that contributed to the French revolution include; liberal government, constitutional monarchy, the monarchy, division of power, the Declaration of the Rights of Man, popular sovereignty, The Social Contract and Enlightened Absolutism1. The crumple of the previous establishment contributed to social unrest, economic problems and conflicting ambitions which led to the French Revolution. In the unfolding of the French revolution, the thoughts, ideas, and expressions rose from the enlightenment theorists. The themes of the enlightenment did not share a common idea, and it was not activated by a solitary revolutionary plan. Unlike the other revolutions, the French Revolution occurred in phases, with each amounting to a revolution in itself. The revolutionists repudiated one theme to pursue another. The initial p hase of the French Revolution occurred on the basis of the themes expressed by Montesquieu. This theme recognized a liberal constitutional monarchy as an elaborate government system for people who pursued freedom. This theme proposed the dividing of the sovereign state between many centers of power. This provided a balance from any center turning despotic. The English achieved this model by devolving sovereignty between the parliament, law courts and the Crown. Montesquieu suggested that the French should use their familiar estates such as the aristocratic courts, the crown, chartered cities, church and the landed nobility to advance these themes2. Montesquieu ideas gave a conspicuous share of the power to the aristocrats, a class he belonged to, both in courts and on land. The aristocrats actively took part in the revolution during the early stages. They identified themselves with the cause of national freedom and the interests of their estates. Louis the 16th took the revolution a s an enterprise for his privileged subjects to emulate what the English did by replacing an absolute ruler with a constitutional monarch3. The French Revolution had three main principles; fraternity, liberty and equity. The enlightenment advanced these principles by targeting aspects that did not include institutions such as the church, monarch and feudalism. The enlightenment gave people the power to rule, without, compulsion to operate within reason, interests or logic. This meant that citizens had acquired rights, powers and respect. The enlightenment themes of nationality, patriotism and absolute rights led to the achievement of the objectives of the French Revolution. The French national assembly has the same principles, and it represents the people and restores the nation to the citizens. This had a positive effect on the national assembly by supporting a democratic nation. The enlightenment gave people believe that they could control and comprehend the universe by empirical r esearch and reason. The natural law dominated the physical world, with the likelihood of the social world also dominating the physical world. The enlightenment emphasized the rejection of beliefs in traditional authority because they found the traditional institutions values as irrational. The enlightenment found the institutions as an obstacle for human development and growth. Their mission required them to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Preparation and Assessment in a Large Urban Primary School Essay

Preparation and Assessment in a Large Urban Primary School - Essay Example The evidence would suggest that the difficulties that have arisen are significant, but not serious - and that they can be addressed. (cf Rollinson, 2002, pp254-5). However, given that the difficulties pertaining to the ‘softer’ human relations aspect of people management, which authors such as McGarvey (1997) and Lamp (1998) argue can fester if left unresolved, it is considered important that action to address the difficulties is taken. Recommendations for action are put forward below. In particular, schools are an essential feature of the public service infrastructure and as such have had to respond continuously to diverse consumer needs and a highly politicised agenda of government reform. This report describes one school’s response to a recent DfES initiative and the difficulties encountered as a result of that response. It analyses those difficulties from the perspectives of the structural organization, culture and leadership style. As part of its Raising Stan dards/Reducing Workload Agenda (DfES,2002) the government has placed schools under a legal obligation to provide all teachers with 10% non-contact time for planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) duties. However, no accompanying directive has been issued as to how this may be achieved. The government has however provided advisory guidelines suggesting that teacher release might be secured through the use of additional teaching staff, Higher Level Teaching Assistants (a newly created tier of teaching assistants who have attained recognized accreditation), Cover Assistants or specialist tutors and sports coaches.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of an Online Course

Advantages and disadvantages of an Online Course Education and training play a great role in the life of people. A big quantity of new and necessary information appears every minute. Highly qualified specialists need to be always aware of all new products, services, inventions, but they are all busy to devote all their time to studding. Online education helps to solve the problem of time. In addition, distance learning is cheaper and for some people is the best way of perception the new information. Making a search in Internet, there can be found a lot of websites with offers to study online. So what are advantages and disadvantages of distance education and is it worth of spending time and money on it? Online (distance) education is increasingly used as supplementary education. It is perfect for those who want to get a second degree, pass retraining or improve their skills. It is not difficult to study online if a person already has accumulated knowledge base, which he received as usual student, and has the basics of the profession. But it can be difficult for those who choose totally new for him specialty. The duration of training can be different, according to the course the person takes. Online education is convenient because it allows: To study in accordance with a personal pace, personal qualities and educational needs. To use modern technologies while studding; at the same time to develop skills that could be later used at work. To plan personal time, schedule, duration of training and a list of subjects. To study in the most pleasant and productive environment; creating a comfortable atmosphere for student. Also online education gives the opportunity for everyone regardless of his nationality and place of residence to obtain a diploma of any university anywhere in the world. Student and teacher are able to communicate at a distance, at any time convenient for them.ÂÂ  So,ÂÂ  on-lineÂÂ  education gives equal opportunities for education regardless of place of living, health and material status. Online courses have not only advantages, but several drawbacks. That is why among the disadvantages of online studding it is possible to distinguish: Lack of personal contact between teacher and student (there is less efficient, impersonal knowledge transfer). Also there is a lack of communication with fellow students to share experiences. Lack of a student’s strong personal motivation and the ability to learn independently; without the constant support and prodding by a teacher. Student should have a number of individual psychological qualities, such as rigid self-discipline; learning result depends on the persistence and conscientiousness of a student. Lack of a possibility of immediate practical application of knowledge, followed by discussion of emerging issues with the teacher and explanation the situation with the specific examples. Online education usually is only in writing. For some people the lack of opportunity to express their knowledge in words can make negative impact on knowledge assimilation. Knowledge and education are important in the life of every person, but there are different ways of obtaining them. As it was said above online course is a good way to get knowledge, but it is not convenient for everybody. People should choose the way of acquiring knowledge according to their personal skills and time they are ready to devote to studding.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston :: essays research papers

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston The novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, written by, Zora Neale Hurston, was full of imagination, imagery and phrasing. Janie’s character and dialogue seemed to slip wisdom into the reader’s head without them knowing their ingesting something deep and true. The ups and downs of Janie’s life have made her a stronger person. This is shown endless times throughout the novel. I feel that this story recognizes that there are endless problems to the human condition, such as the need to possess, fear of the unknowing and stagnation. However, the story does not give a feeling of hopelessness. Through Janie’s character, Ms. Hurston extends a recognition and understanding of humanity’s need to escape emptiness. â€Å"Dem meat skins is got tuh rattle tuh make out they’s alive.† (Hurston 183) Her solution is simple: â€Å"â€Å"Yuh got tuh go there tuh know there.† (Hurston 185) Janie sets out on a quest to make sense of inner questions. She does not sit back and let the tragedies in her life cripple her. Instead it strengthens her. Through questioning and discovery she better understands the world she lives in and how small a thing like happiness is comprised of, â€Å"If you kin see de light at daybreak, you don’t care if you die at dusk. It’s so many people never seen de light at all.† (Hurston 151) This quote caught my eye while I was reading because it makes you truly think of what really makes you happy in life. Janie married Logan Killicks for protection rather than love. He seemed to feel that he deserved to slap her around. Janie soon realizes that she is living in Nanny’s dreams rather than her own and decides to escape with Jody. A feeling of sudden newness and change came over her. â€Å"Even if Joe was not there waiting for her, the change was bound to do her good.† (Hurston 32) This shows a great strength in her character because even if Joe was not there for her she would still be determined to change without him. Joe seems closer to her ideal, closer to the dream of marriage that she has. But, he represents a black man who wishes to gain wealth and power. From the beginning of their relationship there were signs that he was not the love Janie was looking for. â€Å"On the train the next day, Joe didn’t made many speeches with rhymes to her,

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Supporting Babies

Emotional Soft teddy's Helps to comfort babies when they are sad Intellectual painting Helps children feel different textures and materials. It allows them to use their imagination to create pictures. Language Reading books Helps babies learn new words, sounds and socialism with people. Please remember a baby is Birth to 15 months old How a babies individual needs and interests can be supported through play. Babies play can be supported by giving the right equipment and activities for their age group. E. G. Hand/finger painting, building blocks, play mats, colorful picture books, rattles and nursery rhymes.Talk to the babies about their activities colors of pictures, shapes, textures and ask questions (even if they not understand) to show them that you're interested. Give babies eye contact to show them you are responding to them. Join in and talk to them. Encourage babies to say familiar words, listen to different sounds, explore different things and support their needs. Some babies may need more support than others due to a disability. Praise is very important because it helps their self-esteem and confidence.Play mats and mobiles which are great for children to reach out to and play with the toys there. Encourage babies to explore with different toys by putting interesting things beside them e. G. Soft materials, toys with lights and sounds, crinkle paper so they can feel different textures. Sing nursery rhythms to babies so they can copy the actions and facial expressions. Provide activities such as hand/sponge painting, playing with balls, building blocks and baby walkers. It stimulates creativity and imagination.These activities are good for developing their fine/gross motor skills and learning other new skills e. G. colors, textures, counting and helping babies to learn to walk. With any activity your baby does join in with them, talk to them, make it interesting and fun and always praise them. Babies learn by exploring with their hands, feet and mouth. They bang, throw, drop, shake and put items in their mouths. Babies are very alert, they follow adults with their eyes and head. Talk to babies about family members and names of family so they can recognize words and who family members are.Provide colorful books with lots of pictures and touchy-feely books this gives babies tactile experiences which leads to brain development. Point and talk about the pictures in the books. Ask them questions about the book e. G. What color is the sky. Get them involved let them turn pages of the book. Make Sure you give the baby lots of praise and encouragement. La engage Babies enjoy finding their nose, eyes or tummy as part as a naming game. You can place mirrors to see their own reflection and talk with them about what they see. Babies express their feelings and needs by crying, gurgling and babbling.When babies try to say words repeat it back to the baby and encourage them to say more. Singing nursery rhymes with babies is a great help for them to recognize words, learn new words and actions. This helps them to develop their language skills. Use sounds in play e. G. Brim for a car. Also use actions to support your words e. G. Waving your hand when you say bye bye. Give the baby praise by clapping and using facial expressions. Give he baby your full attention as this gives them confidence to talk more and communicate with others and they feel happy and proud they have learnt something new.Babies are just starting to learn to recognize and manage their feelings. Babies experience a wide range of emotions such as affection, frustration, fear and sadness. Babies have tantrums when they are tired we can help to control their emotional expressions by giving the baby a teddy bear or another comfort object when upset so the baby can calm down. Listening and comforting babies to their needs helps the babies feel secure. The baby miles and giggles when they want more of something or turn their heads shut their eyes when they want l ess of something.Social Babies are aware of others. They build good relationships with people that are close to them. By giving your baby lots of love and attending to their needs you establish a bond with your baby, which allows them to grow in a comfortable, confident and socially healthy atmosphere. Encourage babies to interact with others put out activities that other babies can get involved in e. G. Ball pool, sand and water and painting this helps babies build their confidence and self-esteem to play with others..

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Should you be fired for what you post on social media sites

Can you get fired for what you post online? In October 2010, Mariana Cole-Rivera, a domestic violence advocate at the group Hispanics United of Buffalo, began the Facebook thread that would get her fired. Cole-Rivera and four of her co-workers who'd responded to her post had lost their jobs. Their boss said their Facebook thread violated HUB's harassment policy by disparaging a co-worker. The Facebook post said that, â€Å"Lydia Cruz, who is one of their co-workers, felt that the group wasn't helping their clients enough at the Hispanics United of Buffalo.Cole-Rivera responded to this by saying, â€Å"IVe about had it! and she also wrote, â€Å"My fellow coworkers how do you feel? † Within minutes, HUB colleagues began posting supportive comments. â€Å"What the Hell,† one wrote, â€Å"we don't have a life as is, said one, and what else can we do, the others wrote. † After they were fired, the workers took their case to the National Labor Relations Board, the f ederal agency charged with interpreting and enforcing U. S. labor law.A Judge sided with them, but now the case is on appeal. There have been more than a few stories in the news about employees being fired because of what they posted online. People need to ealize that when you use your work computer for any personal business whether it is good or bad, can get you in trouble, or even cost you your Job, especially, if the company has guidelines on computer use on the Job. Dan Prywes, an expert in labor and employment law, in Washington, D. C. explains that â€Å"Employers are within their rights to limit social networking site access, â€Å"Dan also said that, â€Å"you need to be prepared for the consequences when you post online.If a small-business owner sees something unsavory written about themselves or their company online, they can call their workers in and talk with them about it. But whether or not you can take action and fire them is dependent on state law, outside of a wr itten contract or clause at public companies, employment is at-will. My question is: What are your rights when it comes to talking about work online? Should you be allowed to say what you want?Recently, the National Labor Relations Board issued a series of rulings and advisories that have made it illegal for employers to fire anyone who casts the company in an untavorable light online. The NLRB says employees nave a right to discuss work conditions freely and without fear of retribution, whether the discussion takes place at the office or on Facebook. However, not all work-related speech is protected. For example, your employer can still fire you if you post something negative about a client or customers on Facebook. In my opinion, if you don't have anything good to say, don't say it at all.